Donnerstag, 29. April 2010

Nothing happened since a while.

And this won´t change for some time probably. This is because all the stuff that really keeps me going happens over here

"I" mostly means "We" these days. And WE are CRITICAL DIRT: Your one and only chance to join the cool side in german cycling culture ...besides 2 to 3 other only chances maybe.

We did a sunny sunshine shorttrack-bmx-cross country-cocktail race thing in 2008. We hang loose in 2009 and we are now doing this sunny sunshine cyclocross-endurance-feast of friends kinda thing. You see, we still have freeride-road-downhill-singlespeed-stageracing-epic-muddy water stuff on our to-do list. Expect us to held the next UCI track world champs in some garage in Leipzig/Germany ;-)

Have fun with all the content at
